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Meet Oneika - leading contemporary artist

Meet Oneika Russell - leading contemporary artist

Oneika Russell attended the Edna Manley College in Kingston, Jamaica where she completed a diploma in the Painting Department; followed by Goldsmiths College in London in the Centre for Cultural Studies.

While at Goldsmiths, Oneika began to integrate her interests in combining the practice of Painting with New Media.

Later post-grad studies at Kyoto Seika University in Japan furthered the interest in hand-craft and technological meeting points in service of explorations of history, culture and social narratives.

Characters and stories formed the basis of much of her earlier work. Many of the narratives were imaginings, re-inventions and re-readings inspired by experience and locations as well as romanticized memories from literature, cartoons, picture books and fairy tales, magazines and other media.

Oneika's current work increasingly involves more installation which uses sound, drawing video, prints, books and objects to reclaim and assemble fragmented experiences and thought together.

For more on Oneika read:

Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jacqueline-bishop/oneika-russell-engages-th_b_8201212.html

National Gallery of Jamaica: https://nationalgalleryofjamaica.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/young-talent-v-oneika-russell/

Oneika : http://www.oneikarussell.net/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0upVb63NSvo


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