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Caving in the Cockpit Country



The Jamaica Blue Mountain range Cockpit Country

If you enjoy exploring caves, Jamaica’s Cockpit Country has a lot on offer.  The Jamaica Tourist Board says the Cockpit Country is often regarded as Jamaica's most inhospitable region; a hilly and dense area with limestone denudations traversing three parishes and covering over 500 square miles.

The so-called “cockpits” are caused since the limestone soil does not retain water. Consequently, rainwater percolates downward through cracks and fissures, creating over time a landscape of pits and valleys.

Below the surface are hundreds of rivers, streams and caves, providing some of the best spelunking opportunities in the Caribbean.  This region has the highest diversity of plants and animals in Jamaica.

It is a goldmine for birdwatchers and nature lovers who are prepared to withstand the humidity, mosquitoes and other harsh conditions that have kept the region free of large scale human settlement for centuries.

Possibly the best guide available is the Cockpit Country Adventure Tours (CCAT). CCAT is managed by the Southern Trelawny Environmental Agency, an NGO engaged in environmental awareness and promotes environmentally sound, sustainable economic development.

Each tour is customized to ensure that your interests and needs are met.

Happy caving!


Cockpit Country Adventure tours:  https://fr-fr.facebook.com/CCATJm/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBIte6lY7_0

Visit Jamaica: http://www.visitjamaica.com/cockpit-country

Also visit our art gallery:  https://www.experiencejamaique.com/product_gallery


May 2019